L’Harmonie des saisons:
Cantatas by J. S. Bach – BWV 162, 6 and 30
L’Harmonie des saisons is joining the presentation of the complete cantatas of J. S. Bach organized by the Arte Musica Foundation and the Bourgie Hall of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
This prodigious corpus of sacred cantatas transcends the rigorism of the texts. The music of the master triumphs in an abundance of sumptuous choirs, an infinite variety of instrumental colors and a unique melodic depth.
2 performances:
- April 23, 2:30 pm at St-Patrick Church in MAGOG
IN REPLACEMENT of the Abbey of Saint-Benoît-du-Lac
- April 24, 2:30 pm at Bourgie Hall of the MBAM, MONTREAL
Conductor Eric Milnes, organ and conducto
Mélisande Corriveau, cello
Soloists Hélène Brunet, soprano
Nicholas Burns, countertenor
Philippe Gagné, tenor
Sumner Thompson, baritone
Julia Wedman, concertmaster
Noemy Gagnon-Lafrenais, Julie Rivest
Guillaume Villeneuve, Marie Nadeau-Tremblay, violins
Hélène Plouffe, Kathleen Kajioka, violas
Pierre Cartier, double bass
Grégoire Jeay, Alexa Raine-Wright, flutes
Matthew Jennejohn, Karim Nasr, Joel Verkaik, oboes
François Viault, bassoon
Christopher Price, trumpet