Vocal expression and virtuosity in Baroque opera
Savor the arresting joy of soprano Hélène Brunet and rediscover the captivating energy of ensemble L’Harmonie des saisons by viewing from your home the launch concert of the Solfeggio CD.
With “her singing of perfect beauty and her most radiant stage presence”, soprano Hélène Brunet is perfectly at ease in the baroque repertoire, which she renders with singular nuance and conviction. With a unique timbre, her voice embodies all the expressive registers demanded by 18th century opera. These arias range from despair to fury, sadness to happiness, as the most virtuoso bel canto is revealed in refreshing melodic profusion. The program will highlight contrasting baroque opera arias by the Venetian Antonio Vivaldi and the Neapolitan Leonardo Vinci as well as delightful excerpts from Handel’s Acis and Galatea.
L’Harmonie des saisons
- Mélisande Corriveau, direction artistique
- Eric Milnes, direction musicale
- Hélène Brunet, soprano
- Julia Wedman, violon solo
- Noemy Gagnon-Lafrenais, Marie Nadeau-Tremblay,
- Guillaume Villeneuve et Jessy Dubé, violons
- Hélène Plouffe, Margaret Little et Valérie Arsenault, altos
- Mélisande Corriveau, flûtes à bec et violoncelle
- Felix Deak, violoncelle
- Pierre Cartier, contrebasse
- Matthew Jennejohn, flûte à bec et hautbois
- Karim Nasr, hautbois et basson
- David Jacques, guitare
- Eric Milnes, clavecin
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- Michel Keable, animation
- Mario Proulx, entrevues
- François Filiatrault, textes
- Eric Milnes, enregistrement, montage et mixage
- Huei Lin, vidéographie
- Pascal Piché, assistance à la vidéographie
- Chantal Poulin, régie et graphisme
- Eric Milnes, montage vidéo
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Réalisé à l’Église Bishop Stewart Memorial Church, Frelighsburg, Québec, Canada, septembre 2020
Production : L’Harmonie des saisons